About the Kenya Project

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Our Beginnings

Gideon Robi, Director of The Kenya Project

We have to go back to the very beginning and talk about Mama Robi. Her original hope and vision for loving on the children in her community is why the Kenya Project has grown to the size and scale it has today.

Since her original group of students and vision to teach and show Christ’s love to a small group of local children, the Kenya Project has partnered with Utunzi, our Kenyan Operating partner, and we have built facilities, grown a staff, and extended the reach of our programs ten-fold. For a detailed timeline of our history and major milestones, check out our History page.

Now under the leadership of Gideon Robi, Mama Robi’s son, we have a path forward into the future to continue building out programs like the trade school and other business community outreaches that allow us to impact the lives of Kenyan children, women, and families for generations to come.

Read a message from our Director, Gideon Robi, about his passionate care and leadership vision for The Kenya Project.


Our Team

We have amazing staff and board members. Our team makes us the organization that we are - generous, devoted, kind, persevering, and passionate.

Board Chair

We are grateful to have long-time volunteer and donor, Beckie Johnston, serve as our Board Chair. Beckie has been a Chick-fil-A Operator for 26 years. Beckie has made multiple trips to MPA over the last decade, leading a team of volunteers. Beckie is married to Brian, her husband for 36 years. She has two wonderful sons and two beautiful daughter-in-laws as well as one adorable grandson.

Administrative Staff

Left to Right - Mr Joseph Wasike (Deputy Primary Section), Mr Simon Theuri(Principle), Mr. Dennice Wasiach (Deputy Secondary Section), Ms. Dorcas Wakwabubi (Deputy Primary Section)

Our Vision

To provide opportunities for children of Kenya to know and experience the love of God through support to meet their health, educational and Spiritual needs.

Get a birds-eye view of our campus in this video taken by a drone!



Our Mission

The mission of The Kenya Project and its Kenyan Operating partner, Utunzi, is to provide opportunities for Christians to be in ministry to children of Kenya by providing resources and facilities for their health, education, and spiritual development through:

  • Student sponsorships for private and public education

  • Health and welfare grants

  • Opportunities for Christian mission work in Kenya

  • Providing homes for orphans in Kenya


Our Facilities

All of Kenya Project’s programs operate on-campus at Mountain Park Academy.

  • 4 houses for children

  • 1 cafeteria

  • 10 classrooms

  • 1 sanctuary / auditorium

  • 16 bathrooms

  • 1 faculty house

  • 3 faculty meeting rooms

  • 1 trade school


Partner Organizations & Volunteer Groups


We are proud to be partners with several amazing churches and organizations that support our ongoing efforts to love on the children of Kenya. These organizations send supplies when needed and ongoing financial contributions. We are always excited when we have volunteer groups join us for a week (or more!) at a time to do maintenance and new building projects on campus. If you are interested in coordinating a trip, contact us!