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Food Programs

The Feeding Program was established in 2005 after the annual Medical Mission Team determined that most of the children’s medical issues were directly related to poor diets and malnutrition. The Kenya Project has worked with professional dietitians to evaluate their meals and provide the children a more balanced diet including milk and eggs.

The children are provided two nutritious meals a day when school is in session, and children who live onsite are provided for all of their meals and individual nutritional needs. Keeping children fed is a full-time job for our staff and volunteers!

Poultry Project

The Poultry Project was developed in 2009 to improve the diet of the school children, provide surplus eggs to sell in the community, create jobs and a sustainable business, and provide vocational opportunities for the students. The Poultry Project has been a huge success for its promise of a scalable food source for families.

Funds for the purchase of additional chicks and feed are always needed, especially during the startup phase until the chickens mature enough to start producing eggs. This is what feeds families on an ongoing basis and provides sustainable nutrition all year long for families.


Family Day Food Baskets

Many mission teams that travel to Kenya, whether helping with construction, teacher education, youth camps, Bible School, medical teams, administrative teams verifying student enrollment, women’s enrichment conferences and many others, participate in the Family Day Food Basket Program where the team distributes food to the entire community. Every year, this day is a special day for us to shine light into our community and let them know what we are trying to do to serve and love the children of Kenya.

