Featured Programs
Sponsor a Student
Monthly or Annual Sponsorhips
One of the best ways you can support our mission at The Kenya Project is by sponsoring a student. Our monthly or annual sponsorship options allow you to help a child stay enrolled at Mountain Park Academy. At MPA, we strive to educate and care for our students as they develop into young adults. We focus on not just education but also on health and spiritual development. Learn more about MPA and our student sponsorship options today!
Feeding Projects
Ongoing since the start of Kenya Project!
The nutritional needs of our students and staff is something we take very seriously. It is also one of the most demanding of our time and finances. We provide three meals per day for all of our students that live onsite and lunch for our students that commute to the academy on a daily basis. We also regularly invite people in the community to collect cooking kits containing essential food supplies. There are many ways you can support our various food programs through donation!
Support the Trade School
Opened in March 2018
The trade school has opened up a new world of possibilities for so many students. For those students that have an interest in carpentry, welding, plumbing and other trades, our new trade school has programs to support this career track. Our end goal is to equip our students with skills needed to have a job and be financially independent when they graduate. Funding tools for the workshops and classroom equipment is a big need right now!
Education & School Programs
When Kenya Project started, one of the most immediate identified needs was consistent, quality education for the local children. Over time, we have built two different school programs - the trade school and the grade school. Both are fully-staffed and have separate on-premise buildings. Filling the classrooms with supplies and necessary curriculum materials continues to be an ongoing need.

Children’s Homes
Many of our students come to us in dire need of a place to live. Food, shelter, and loving care are what we aim to provide each and every child that comes to us for help.
Our children’s homes are made to resemble a family. Different from so many traditional orphanage structures, our homes have a mother that lives in each of the homes with the children. The ratio of women to children is 2:20.
Trusted women from our community are given the opportunity to care for the needs of their “family” in each of the homes. These women get a chance to mother a group of little ones in a way that cares for not only the physical needs but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of each child.
Food Programs
Feeding our children who live onsite is a full-time responsibility. Additionally, we take seriously the nutritional needs of children who go home to families without the ability to put dinner on the table. Our food programs encompass both the daily meals we feed students during the school day, but we have also launched several new initiatives to teach at-home meal preparation for children who live offsite. This includes our chicken program as well as our monthly bulk dry-goods giveaways.

Women’s Group
While our first priority was meeting the needs of children in our area of Kenya, we recognized early on that this could only be accomplished by building up women as caregivers and teachers.
We started a women’s group to help recruit women from the community to be a part of our mission. This not only provided jobs and economic stability for these women, it supported the continued care of our students and children who live onsite.
Through our different programs for women, we ensure that our women can become strong female leaders in their different specialities. But we also focus on developing the spiritual, mental, physical and financial wellbeing of our women.
“There Are So Many Ways to Help!”
In the words of one of our passionate volunteers, there truly are SO many ways to help the Kenya Project. Because of the way we’ve created a variety of programs to meet a diverse group of people with unique needs, we have a lot of different ways to get involved and donate.
Whether you join a team that visits our facility in Kenya OR whether you donate to fund one of our programs, you will be a part of changing lives.